In 1991, he was kidnapped for 12 days by officers of the Argentine Federal Police, and then freed after his family reportedly paid a multi-million dollar ransom.
In 1978, Marci was kidnapped and held for 9 hours until a $100,000 dollar ransom was paid.
The FSLN managed to secure several hostages exchanging them for safe passage to Cuba and a one million dollar ransom.
The release came after the government of West Germany paid a five million dollar ransom.
It was released September 14, 2009, after a two million dollar ransom was paid to pirates based in Eyl.
Particularly memorable are the Chief, a compulsive petty chiseler, and Frankie Five Hundred, whose nickname indicates the maximum dollar ransom the gang will pay kidnappers for his return.
The separated graveyard-shift team join together after one of their own is kidnapped from a crime scene and held for a million dollar ransom by a mysterious and vengeful assailant.
When contacted, the pirates demanded a one million dollar ransom and the release of six other pirates that were in French custody.
The ship was released with all of its crew on March 5 after a one million dollar ransom was rumored to have been paid.
The criminals ask for a 1 million dollar ransom, and threaten to cut off parts of Allison's body if her father fails to pay it on time.