Another reason for optimism is the start of dollar purchases by multinational corporations.
Last week the Government blocked those dollar purchases.
Through their dollar purchases, the central banks caught any number of traders unawares.
Shoppers get a point for every dollar purchase with the store's charge card, with awards beginning at $3,000 a year.
But one of these days Chinese dollar purchases will trail off, and we'll find ourselves living in interesting times.
We got that set at the grocery store, $1.99 with every five dollar purchase.
As he sees it, anything Japan might do to slow its dollar purchases would only create a self-inflicted wound.
Many traders and analysts, however, doubt the central bank is considering dollar purchases now.
In other words, we've developed an addiction to Chinese dollar purchases, and will suffer painful withdrawal symptoms when they come to an end.
Besides, in the long run, ending our dependence on foreign dollar purchases will give us a healthier economy.