In 2003, the airline registered a 9 million dollar net profit thanks to its more economical fleet, and carried 907,850 passengers.
However, the bank swung from a 74 million dollar profit in 1989 to a 1.2 billion dollar loss in 1990.
If these folks make a dollar profit for each card they sold they'd have 6 billions + dollars.
Was it possible that the social consequences would offset the dollar profit?
While they were attending university, they flipped their first house for a $50,000 dollar profit.
It was estimated that the trader or traders would have realized a five million dollar profit.
Their "gamble" would pay off if the dollar strengthens and American dollar profits, denominated in foreign currencies, rise even further.
Apple, in contrast, reported a 14 billion dollar profit for the same year.
In launching a program, managers often start with an idea of the dollar profit they desire and ask what sales levels will be required to reach it.
After only three years and at a 2.6 million dollar profit, Jacksonville State sold the station, beginning a string of new owners.