They sold their own currencies, especially euros, to buy dollars to invest here.
Such a shift could persuade investors to buy dollars to invest in America.
That return has fallen to about 20 cents for each dollar invested, he says.
In practice, anyone buying the fund at its initial offering receives assets that are worth just 93 cents for each dollar invested.
The settlement, before legal costs, provides about 8eight cents for every dollar invested.
When measured against the results, that's an amazing bargain - for every dollar invested, there's a $7.10 return to society, according to the Reynolds study.
Investors might want to opt out of the settlement, because under its terms they would receive, at best, only 8 cents for each dollar invested.
The money market fund was created to provide effective cash management, a dollar back for every dollar invested and beyond that a reasonable rate of return.
New York State banking regulators introduced a complex formula to determine how many dollars a bank should invest in its community.
Yesterday, it introduced a complex formula to determine how many dollars a bank should invest in its community.