Although Mr. Beddington refused to give specific numbers, he did say the painting was originally offered at a price about three times the present dollar estimate.
Ten-year planning is a sound concept, but beyond the first few years the dollar estimates are always soft.
The highest dollar estimate, $26 million, was in Rosemead, where a convalescent hospital and several large office buildings were damaged.
No dollar estimate on the damage was available in any of the areas.
The county has not calculated a dollar estimate.
Caterpillar's support is unusual because the company puts a dollar estimate on the gains it expects from passage of the Nafta.
For all the greater transparency promised by the agreement, however, the officials were unable to put a dollar estimate on the cost of the drug switches.
Caterpillar is unusual among the corporate supporters of Nafta in its willingness to put a dollar estimate on the gains it expects.
No dollar estimate of the damage was immediately available.
No dollar estimates have been made, he said.