Doubling and tripling of Pap test costs has added some $1 million more to the squeeze, leaving fewer dollars earmarked specifically for contraceptive education and services.
According to Danish prosecutors, Jørgensen diverted millions of dollars earmarked for charitable use into private businesses owned by Tvind leaders.
It also causes some prison districts to collect more than a fair share of federal dollars earmarked for the poor.
Albany saw a significant influx of federal dollars earmarked for restoring historic structures.
The charity event reportedly raised 2.5 million dollars, earmarked for Chinese children in need.
First, there's the spectacle of UW giving back millions of federal dollars earmarked for educational broadband upgrades.
Goldman does not make public the size of property funds, but the bank is estimated to have tens of billions of dollars earmarked for real estate purchases.
They do not have people to write grant proposals and usually get the smallest slivers of federal dollars earmarked for AIDS work.
Loma Linda University's medical center got millions of dollars earmarked into NASA's budget for research projects.
Despite billions of dollars earmarked by the British Government for improvements, Mr. Barnes said, it will be several years before the benefits reach weary commuters.