Stocks were mixed yesterday, following the lead of the dollar, bonds and commodity prices.
She was later released on a one thousand dollar bond.
Both men were jailed and held in lieu of 3 million dollar bonds.
He was later released by the Iranian authorities after the firm paid a 1 million dollar bond.
Upon their arrival, they were held on $10 million dollar bond each.
"Investors are still stunned by the negative return dollar bonds have provided over the past year," the official said.
The Thai government is also weighing its first dollar bonds since the crisis.
In 2006, the citizens of Monrovia approved a $45 million dollar bond for the high school.
For example, a $300,000 30 year mortgage with an interest rate of 6.5% could be split into 300 1000 dollar bonds.
I believe that such dollar bonds would provide a more accurate picture of the countries' economies.