Seth's new career earned him a fifty-thousand dollar advance for the paperback edition, and a European version was in the works.
"I've signed books for a dollar advance," he said.
I asked for a half dollar advance and was handed a stack of handbills instead.
Gold, which often declines as the dollar advances, fell $1.90 an ounce, to $430.40, on the Commodity Exchange in New York.
The million dollar advance they scored from Atlantic helped to pay off their enormous tax debts in Britain.
The close link between Treasury bond prices and the dollar continued yesterday, as long-term government issues rose more than half a point while the dollar advance.
R. L. Stine began writing this book after an agent offered him a one million dollar advance.
He gave me a thousand dollar advance toward our kickback.
That tantalizing million dollar advance, for example, must be paid back to the record label at an interest rate far higher than that of a bank loan.
At another branch, she obtained a five-hundred dollar advance on her Mastercard.