But her gaunt reflection kept on staring back at her with doleful eyes.
They would talk and sip tea under the doleful eyes of the giant portrait of the Sacred Heart that dominated our tiny kitchen.
"My mom makes these all the time and I just love them," Private Dubois said, casting a doleful eye on the congealed mess.
Several times he caught its doleful eyes regarding him, and returned its gaze with a consoling smile.
Fritz jumped up and lay on Perlmutter's stomach, staring at him through doleful brown eyes.
The next candidate bore an unnerving resemblance to the first: the same thin angular frame, funereal expression, dark doleful eyes and sallow complexion.
It was a fat ram with curly horns, a black face with a white snout and great doleful eyes.
She looked up with big, doleful eyes.
Sitting in his garage, Mason resisted his dog's pleading, doleful eyes to put the top down.
His is an oval face with the fuzzy, hopeful beginnings of a beard and doleful eyes that turn intense when he talks politics.