Mr. Mallon has a gift for making facts like these seem utterly to the point and not, as in so many historical novels, like the dutifully recounted products of dogged research.
And some merely indicate dogged research without benefit of a rudder.
Technology to the Rescue It would be nice to attribute my breakthrough to dogged research illuminated by flashes of insight.
Lodging averaged $36 a night, thanks to dogged research, and dumb luck.
And Porter's life, as Unrue's dogged research demonstrates, was even more colorful and improbable - witness the small matter of the two erased husbands - than the one the author invented.
It's one of many such scrapbooks he has produced over the years, using countless interviews, dogged research, a pair of scissors, and a lot of Scotch tape.
Jack's dogged research finally proves successful.
New facts continue to surface with the passage of time because of dogged research on the part of historians and scholars.
To solve it took five years of dogged research, made more difficult by secrets that her parents refused to reveal.
These are calculated bets, it is hoped, based on in-depth analysis and dogged research.