I noticed that his dog-eared copy of Paradise Lost was open in front of him.
Then, with a dog-eared copy of "On the Road" in his back pocket, he set off to the wilderness.
But, alas, he has yet to be sent a single dog-eared copy of anything.
The client is a slender woman all in black with a dog-eared copy of a private school guide in her lap.
His favorite prop is a dog-eared copy of the 10th Amendment, describing states' rights; she never mentions it.
It was an old dog-eared copy, looked as if it had been leafed through a thousand times.
I was sitting up in bed, reading a dog-eared copy of McCall's, and occasionally looking out at the rain which ran down the hospital windows.
A dog-eared copy can usually found on the desk of anyone who deals regularly with the government.
Abruptly he ran dry and handed over the wad of dog-eared, interlined copy.
Snatch up the next dog-eared copy you come across in a secondhand shop.