The dog howled with rage and threw itself against its chain, lost its balance, and skidded in the mud the morning's rainstorm had left.
A huge gray dog bounded through, skidded on the polished tiles past both Inos and her aunt, and came to a stop facing Azak.
The rabbit ducked around a bush and the little black dog zipped after him, then dug in his heels and skidded.
The dog ran south along the sidewalk for a few steps, skidded to a halt in the downfall of light from a streetlamp, looked back, and barked at them.
The dog skidded to a halt beside her and laid his big head on her lap.
The dogs skidded to a halt within a few feet of me, confused.
The dog skidded to a stop, struck out at Queenie with one paw; then, with its tail between its legs, slunk into the thicket.
The long-haired little dog skidded to a halt.
When he saw Grant the dog skidded to a stop, stood watching him, tail wagging, eyes a-dance with fun.
In silence, a dog skidded across the linoleum with a can of chopped liver in pursuit.