Had I ever heard a dog howl thus?
Likewise, when a cat meows or a dog howls, humans are usually at a loss to understand the meaning of those noises.
I have seen the moon from undersea, and I heard the great dog howl last night.
His wife is sick in bed, and the dog howls.
"There's no story to tell; the dog howls, that's all."
One of them says the dog howls; the other one says he doesn't.
Oh, she could sing out a rebel song without making the dog howl in response, but playing was a different kettle of fish altogether.
No baby could cry, dog howl, or rooster crow, on pain of death.
In a corner of "The Night" a dog howls.
All animals markedly disliked her, and she could make any dog howl by certain motions of her right hand.