The 1999 documentary by Anthony Wall, who is British, recounts the life of Brian Epstein (pictured above), the manager of the Beatles.
The documentary briefly recounts the stories of Abraham believing in one god and the ultimate test that God gave him to sacrifice his son.
The documentary recounts Moses's encounter with the flaming bush and his involvement with the freeing of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage.
(The recent documentary "Fire on the Mountain" also recounted this story.)
As the documentary recounts, he was a target of the House Un-American Activities Committee during its investigation of Communists in the entertaintment industry.
The documentary recounts how the files of Wernher von Braun and lesser-known but equally important scientists were "sanitized."
The documentary Writing on the Wall recounts the establishment of the foundation, while revealing the current conditions of school libraries and literacy in Canada.
The documentary recounts the world's first nuclear attack and examines the repercussions.
The documentary recounts how the builders of Leisurama deployed a then-innovative marketing and advertising strategy.
Starring Peter O'Toole, the documentary recounts the history of the Jewish revolt against Rome.