Cuban Story is a 1959 documentary narrated by Errol Flynn.
His most recent and substantial work is the documentary Carbon Nation, narrated by Bill Kurtis.
The project includes a five-part documentary, narrated by British music show anchor-man Mark Radcliffe plus online and radio content.
This documentary, narrated by Matt Damon, does a good job of explaining a complex story of credit and discredit.
Mr. Harlan's documentary, narrated by Tom Cruise, is undeniably fascinating.
Silicon Valley: a five part series, documentary narrated by Leonard Nimoy.
The documentary, narrated by Tabarly himself, traces his sporting career until his last meal in Ushant.
World War 1 in Colour is a documentary narrated by Kenneth Branagh.
The two-hour documentary, narrated by Susan Sarandon, takes the camera into today's geisha houses and interviews members of its archaic profession.
Holy Ghost People is a 1967 documentary directed and narrated by Peter Adair.