Interest in Masa's life was revived by documentary film-makers more than 60 years after his death.
Vikalp (Films for Freedom) is a network of documentary film-makers and others interested in this issue, from India.
Currently, India has a film certification (earlier called a censorship) board, the functioning of which has raises concerns specially among documentary film-makers.
The Inquiry attracted many journalists, documentary film-makers, and helped spark the growing 9/11 Truth Movement.
Though the trio's performances were sporadic, they acquired a reputation far beyond Mississippi, and blues fans and documentary film-makers alike sought them out.
They propose that the line between subject and observer becomes thinner through such practices, as the documentary film-makers present themselves as "normal people" using their cell phones to preserve an instant.
He is also involved in running the Docuwallahs2 mailing list, a network that connects a number of Indian alternative documentary film-makers.
The company was also instrumental in the use of documentary film-makers to make more realistic war films.
What is being debated is why if you point this out you're hunted down and killed by Muslim zealots, as several translators of Rushdie, and documentary film-makers, have discovered.
The film was heavily criticised by the Documentary News Letter, a publication produced by documentary film-makers who favoured realism over poetry.