During the 2011 Libyan civil war, human rights groups documented violations of medical neutrality along with many other gross violations of human rights.
International rights groups have documented widespread vigilante killings, rapes and other violations by Indian forces, but involving far fewer victims than Pakistan describes.
"This has become a full-time job for me," he said, showing his stacks of legal documents and photos documenting alleged violations.
Documenting state and federal misdemeanors, felonies and other violations of environmental conservation laws.
The winning series, which documents widespread violations of government regulations as well as professional rules, was inspired when he himself received faulty results on a cholesterol test.
Amnesty International, which has been documenting violations by Government forces for several years, said torture was found across Sri Lanka.
Officials documented several violations, but none were grievous or life-threatening, according to state records, and no fines were assessed, state health officials said.
Rather, it would provide security in relatively stable zones, which would allow monitors to document violations of the accord there.
It documented "serious non-compliance on the pari-passu implementation of rehabilitation and environmental measures" and other violations of the law.
Throughout the plant, inspectors documented serious violations of Federal regulations.