The documents also underscore the scope of the reclamation project facing Boston Scientific, which in January outbid Johnson & Johnson and agreed to buy Guidant for $27 billion.
The documents underscore how much the prosecution was intending to rely on the recorded statement, which was made before Mr. Bryant's arrest.
But even in its details, the document underscores the limited effort American intelligence officers seem to have made to sort out such accusations.
The document underscores the sanctity with which the Vatican treated the sacrament of baptism at the time - no matter how or why it was administered.
The documents also underscore the strain on Mr. Trump's personal finances brought about by the huge amounts of money he borrowed.
The documents also underscore Mr. Gingrich's brilliance as a political strategist, at least as a challenger.
But the document also underscores how complicated a corporation A.I.G. is, with its operations in insurance, trading, asset management and real estate.
But the document underscored not only the lagging pace of Hispanic higher education but also an exceptional population growth, both past and future.
Those policies are at a critical stage and these documents may very well underscore the stakes and make the calibrations needed to get the policy right more urgent.