Technology tools can greatly improve the process by which agencies conduct document searches, allowing simultaneous searches of multiple custodians using sophisticated search terms.
These search tasks (such as finding entities and properties of entities) address common information needs that are not that well modeled as ad hoc document search.
But Senator Burns's chief of staff, Matt Raymond, said the Democrats' document search could have "a chilling effect" on Americans who need help from lawmakers.
A powerful document search built on top of an intelligent index that takes advantage of meta-information captured in the shift to case-centric approach.
Without imputing wrongdoing to any individual, I suggest investigators supplement their document search by talking to people who should be in the know.
Sample target applications include automatic database generation, document routing, browsing, summarization, enhanced full text search, and targeted document search in addition to link analysis.
The Seoul government also ordered an investigation, proposing the two inquiries conduct joint document searches and joint witness interviews.
This has become a popular tool today at Ohio colleges to benefit students who do not do primary document searches.
A: I don't believe that I was in charge of doing that, the document search, sir.