"The floor was cold, and I didn't like it with him on top of me," the documents quote her as saying.
One document, dated January 2002, quoted officials as recording "no objection to American plans to transfer UK detainees".
The document quoted Mrs. Whitehead's parents as saying she was "on the verge of a nervous breakdown" over her son's school work.
The document quotes Aziz, and records several suspicions American intelligence officials held about Aziz.
The document quotes him as saying that "people have to be frightened," and made to realize that they cannot claim that he "has been molesting little boys."
The documents quote Mr. Bernstein as saying the Imperial official would "go along with that."
The document does not quote Mr. Bush as specifically mentioning support for the contras as the reason for this sudden assistance.
The document also quotes Islamic religious texts to provide justification for fighting against and killing the Jews, without distinction of whether they are in Israel or elsewhere.
"We only had to do it in a handful of properties and with a handful of appraisers," the documents quote Mr. Cardinali as saying.
"And the American side must be cautioned that it is not in their benefit to antagonize all the people," the document quoted the sheik as saying.