That means new mortgage closings and document preparation by lenders, which inevitably result in another dip into shareholders' pockets.
The use of such equipment considerably enhanced the character set available for document preparation.
Other fees might be for the appraiser, for the bank's attorney, for document preparation.
I have followed this approach by distinguishing two major functions: document preparation and information retrieval.
The subject is divided into two main areas: document preparation and information retrieval (Figures 1 and 2).
The distinction I have made focuses our attention either on the production of information (document preparation) or the receipt (information retrieval).
On a general level, some of the connections between the two categories of document preparation and information retrieval systems have already been noted.
The Inglewood site sells coffee and offers legal advice, but leaves document preparation to a separate business in the same building.
But our needs hardly end at this classic trinity of processing aims: document preparation, linguistic content analysis, and categorical analysis.
I also addressed the resourcing issue by planning to outsource certain marketing activities, such as document preparation.