The album documents the band's performance at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts on March 15, 1968.
The album documents the band's performance at the Oakland Coliseum in Oakland, California on April 27, 1969.
The album documents the band's second performance at the Capitol Theatre in Ottawa, Ontario on March 19, 1968.
Various configurations of external mass balances were equipped and dangerously steep test flights flown to document their performance.
Released in November 2012, the album documents the band's performance at the Sporthalle in Cologne on January 13, 1969.
Tracks 1- 8 document their performance in 1980 on "Saturday the 16th of February between 8:10pm and 9:00pm".
Contract audit is an evaluation of a contract inspection in which a trained auditor accompanies a State inspector to document the inspector's performance.
McHugh's "Guest Available" article explaining the signal and documenting its performance.
Monitoring, which requires patients to document their performance of target behaviours; 2.
The album documents the band's second performance at the Berkeley Community Theatre on May 30, 1970.