The family history is documented in a book called Celebrazione!
The walk took a total of 162 days and is documented in a book of the same title.
The expedition was later documented in a 1965 book of the same name by Jeeves.
This is documented in his book Growing up with Lucy.
To date, this international organization has over 30,000 members, as documented in their new book, released in 2009.
This trip was documented in his book, An overland journey round the world.
These are all documented in his book "The other world" (self-published).
All documented in his little black book, it all checks out at every single funloving level.
This unique perspective is the culmination of her life experiences, which are documented in her book.
For those who cannot make the trip to Philadelphia, the experience will be documented in a book to be published at Christmas time.