The groups joined in 1973, the same year that RPAG released to the public, "Paying Through the Ear," a report documenting acts of unscrupulous sales practices in the hearing aid industry.
In 2003, video evidence emerged documenting racist acts by police trainees and officers, including one member applauding Hitler and another donning a Ku Klux Klan outfit.
The purpose of that film was not to document exceptional acts of mercy and bravery, but rather the more normative experience of inhumanity, terror and death.
Documenting 'Unlawful Acts' Mr. Hoge said that management was using photographs and videotapes to "deter unlawful acts and to document such acts when deterrence fails."
Some Democrats say they began carrying cameras in case they needed to document untoward acts.
Living on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Newton became known as someone willing to document acts of violence against Arabs suspected of opposing British rule.
The city shut down the Mayfair last May for violating health codes after investigators documented sexual acts on the premises.
The show will headline some of SAB TV's most memorable and humorous videos and document the lives and comic acts of the characters of SAB TV.
The investigations aim to document acts of torture and mistreatment, and detect any violence towards children, as well as to establish:
Hundreds of eyewitnesses, including the neutral United States and the Ottoman Empire's own allies, Germany and Austria-Hungary, recorded and documented numerous acts of state-sponsored massacres.