This report was commissioned by the Council to document and highlight the relative lack of women in senior leadership roles across a number of sectors.
The cell included top intelligence, government and security force figures who documented events across Syria, gathering information which would reach the president directly on a daily basis.
It documented 11 Protestant confessions, across the Lutheran and Reformed camps.
She photographed and documented windmills across the nation and encouraged people to save what windmills were still standing.
Almost all health inequality studies have in fact documented differences in average health status across groups of people.
Proponents of this methodology use existing categorical distinctions to document inequality across multiple dimensions and measure its change over time.
The press present at the performance documented the event in several articles across the country as saving an otherwise boring week.
It documented a three-month journey across Canada in search for the paranormal.
Teale's works serve as primary source material documenting environmental conditions across North America from 1930 - 1980.
Archibald fled Canada in 1846 for the United States, documenting a miracle escape across an ice flow filled river.