Also, the Supreme Court is not immune from political and institutional restraints: lower federal courts and state courts sometimes resist doctrinal innovations, as do law enforcement officials.
This doctrinal innovation was directly opposed by MACV (Military Assistance Command Vietnam) that favored the Army's concept of Air-Mobility "Fire and Thunder Operations".
The early Nauvoo years were a period of doctrinal innovation.
This body was formed by members of the Reorganized Church who separated from that organization due to various doctrinal "innovations" that took place in the RLDS church during the 1960s and 70s.
Protestants and Jews reject most of the doctrinal innovations present in the work.
The offices of High Priest and Patriarch are rejected, as well, as being "doctrinal innovations" not sanctioned in the Bible, Book of Mormon or Book of Commandments.
In order to combat this stalemate, the Germans developed a doctrinal innovation known as infiltration tactics, in which small, autonomous teams would covertly penetrate Allied lines.
His doctrinal innovations had little impact outside of his church, and he was largely ignored until recent historians began to reexamine his life and career.
Only rarely did Young venture into the realm of theological and doctrinal innovation and then with mixed results.
Their society seemed to be a loose theosocialism, and their religion an absurd potpourri of most of the major monotheisms of the Federation period, plus doctrinal and ritualistic innovations of their own.