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If further examination shows that a work is not free of doctrinal or moral error, the imprimatur granted for its publication can be withdrawn.
More than a dozen theologians, priests and bishops were punished for doctrinal error, and presumably, many other cases have not come to light.
We didn't come through the Trial only to have angels suddenly appear to tell us we all stand in doctrinal error!
He dealt with what he saw as historical and doctrinal errors contained in Voltaire's work.
He noted that Erdman was tolerant of those in doctrinal error.
In fact the theory soon developed that doctrinal error inevitably induced moral decay.
She was given specific information about the doctrinal errors of the people in that meeting and also the truth in contrast with these errors.
How was doctrinal or moral error to be dealt with?
Those who left the mainstream movement took the exclusive view that fellowship should be refused to any church tolerating moral or doctrinal error.
In some occasions, he "exposes" the doctrinal errors of various other religious groups.