When it was initially formed, the society had a single doctrinal basis - biblical inerrancy.
The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, which presents the doctrinal basis of traditional Chinese medicine, was also named after him.
The doctrinal basis for that assertion is Bhaviṣya Purāṇa 133, which may be summarized as follows:
It was the intellectual or doctrinal basis for antislavery's main economic appeal thereafter.
They claim a doctrinal basis in Islam; but unlike the would-be revolutionaries of an earlier generation, they are indifferent to borders and governments.
Within Evangelicalism, the terms doctrinal statement or doctrinal basis tend to be preferred.
It also provided much of the doctrinal basis for the original enlightenment thought found in the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment.
This doctrinal basis is further summarized in the three Confessions to which the continental reformed churches adhere:
Descriptions of the school's Christian nature, vision, mission, and doctrinal basis are also linked there.
The doctrinal basis contains what evangelicals perceive as the biblical foundations of Christianity, including: