He retrieves Eric's doctored photo from the spill of papers.
The doctored photo was one of several missteps.
Later, he presents doctored photos of their corpses to Marty when collecting his $10,000 fee.
He proceeded to place copies of the doctored photo in all of the players' lockers.
Fox News credited the website for discovering the doctored photos.
The doctored photo makes it look as if the general's left foot is shoved against one body.
Many doctored photos are just funny, like the one of a man hoisting what appears to be a 90-pound cat.
They were dated from March to June and included the doctored photo, which was used in a campaign flier.
In them lay a packet of doctored photos, depicting her at an Australian hermitage-resort for the past month.
"By the time I checked my e-mail at 10 Sunday morning, we had killed the doctored photo and suspended the photographer," he said.