In 2009, the Japanese government responded by offering rewards of about 4 million yen (or $47,000) to companies willing to hire doctoral graduates.
As a result, new doctoral graduates are finding challenging opportunities inside and outside academia.
For some doctoral graduates commencement will be the only time they wear academic regalia, and so they rent their gowns instead of buying them.
He was a 1855 doctoral graduate at the Royal Frederick University.
At the same time the supply of doctoral graduates emerging from American universities has been dwindling.
M.I.T., which almost never hires its own doctoral graduates, offered her the chance to stay on as an assistant professor.
In 1967, he became an acting assistant professor at Berkeley, a notch above the instructor jobs most new doctoral graduates received.
But now doctoral graduates are eager to remake themselves as investors, with a chance of making real money.
An average of four academic positions awaits every doctoral graduate in business, and the best and brightest can practically write their own tickets at top schools.
He is the first doctoral graduate in Persian literature from the University of Tehran.