A new poll this week showed that doctors remain by far the most trusted profession in the country.
The doctor remains in custody pending an appeal by the Government.
These two doctors, who are my friends, will remain with me alone in the room, and let every one else go out.
Carl and the doctor remained behind to secure medical information relative to protection from tropical diseases.
The doctor, however, remained motionless, and lost in his reflections.
Regrettably, the health care system works best when the doctor remains over there somewhere, off in the corner, friendly but never a friend.
Still, most doctors remain in favor of taking it.
At least 20 other doctors remain in detention, and some have been tortured, the human rights group said.
A doctor remained on call between shifts and was given a room to sleep in at the hospital.
If the parents and the doctors remain at odds about the proper course of treatment, the baby is sometimes moved to another hospital.