Paul glanced skeptically from the docile black horse to Whitney's flushed, angry face.
And walked into the side of the cliff, leading the docile horse.
Volunteers provide not only close supervision, but also docile horses.
He glanced toward the two unusually docile horses, and he saw for the first time that it was a woman who was standing near them.
Before long, they heard hoofbeats, and then two docile horses, a mare and an unusual brown stallion, appeared and went straight to the woman.
To Spirit's surprise, he finds restrained, docile horses, and two-legs (possibly wranglers) sleeping around a campfire.
Rufillo, our gaucho, took us out riding on two very docile horses.
In a way it pleased him--he had never cared for totally docile horses.
Stupid to project such an idea from the ability to ride an obviously docile horse without lessons.
The man rode a big docile horse.