Enjoy a wine and cheese reception following a docent-led tour of Corot to Picasso.
A group called the Friends of Mentryville was organized to restore the buildings and open the old town as a historic park with docent-led tours.
Admission, $5.25, at $1.50 to the pound, includes docent-led tours; admission to services is free.
For information about the Getty Center and docent-led tours of the garden: www.getty.edu or (310)440-7300.
From docent-led tours to art instruction delivered via satellite, your support is critical.
The house is open for docent-led tours on Saturdays and Sundays at noon.
Both self-guided and docent-led tours are available.
The tour consists of a short video, followed by a docent-led tour of the house.
The interior of buildings can only be viewed during the docent-led tours.
Various historical ships are anchored to the pier, some available for self-guided or docent-led tours.