Unwillingly, he remembered his dizzying sense of her awakening sensuality.
She faints, unable to face the dizzying sense that she has become a myth to herself.
The dizzying, unaccustomed sense of family longing swam back over me.
Not for the first time, Clavain felt a dizzying sense of vertigo as the comet's interior space came into view.
Muallah squared his shoulders, feeling a dizzying sense of excitement.
A feeling of nausea overcame her, and a dizzying sense of vertigo.
As always at such moments she had a dizzying sense of a pit gaping at her feet.
Avery reached it and stopped, a dizzying sense of deja vu settling over her.
He breathed deeply into the expansion, experiencing an almost dizzying sense of exhilaration.
Even the experimental, short glider flights she had tried in order to test them had given her a dizzying sense of freedom.