DS9 never seemed to sleep anymore, she thought, and with the peace conference coming up, ships were arriving at a dizzying rate.
At the present dizzying rate of change, it is difficult to get one's bearings.
But with technology changing at dizzying rates, predicting the kinds of alliances is almost impossible.
More than seven million copies were sold in the first week alone, and the tape is still selling strongly, though not at that dizzying rate.
After this, accusations started to multiply at a dizzying rate.
Switzerland is losing its reputation for neutrality at a dizzying rate these days.
He spins out sophisticated ideas and theological concepts at a dizzying rate.
Since Intrawest came to town, property values have increased at a dizzying rate.
Even in these newer areas, she said, prices are rising at dizzying rates.
"Magazines are going under or changing hands at a dizzying rate."