Copies of her lengthy divorce complaint which made then-scandalous sexual claims against Chaplin were published and publicly sold.
In April 1958, she went to Las Vegas twice to file, then dismiss a divorce complaint.
Keeping one toe on your Dictaphone machine and answering the phone while drafting a divorce complaint is the kind of gymnastic activity that takes practice.
It was reported then that Taylor's wife, Linda, filed divorce complaints in 1989, 1992 and 1994, charging cruelty among other things.
"Type out the divorce complaint, Della," Perry Mason said as he shot through the door.
Perry Mason shoved the divorce complaint in front of her, held out his fountain pen.
Mason waited until the door closed, and then said, "Take a divorce complaint, Della.
Go ahead and knock out that divorce complaint, then see that it gets filed.
Storke retaliated with a divorce complaint on the grounds that Addis was insane.
I didn't know whether she intended to file a divorce complaint, but presumed she did.