Instead, he said, the issue is whether black and white Georgians want to stand behind a racially charged, divisive symbol that was added to the flag at a time Georgia was resisting integration.
Snellman never lost in popularity among his fennoman followers, but had become a highly divisive symbol in Finland's political landscape.
Number one, the Confederate flag is not just a symbol of hatred and a divisive symbol to African-Americans.
Shame on the political machine that offered us a vacuous and mediocre candidate and marketed him (in both elections) by the manipulation of divisive symbols!
In 2008 and 2010, there were protests by groups of fans over the team wearing the poppy symbol for Remembrance Day, as it is a divisive symbol in Ireland.
By February 1968, when Columbia began building the gymnasium, the university had become a divisive symbol.
The same bully who tears the crosses off of war memorials shows up and drags you into court to remove those "divisive symbols of patriotism."
"The Confederate flag is a hurtful, divisive symbol and in my view, has no place flying anywhere in any state in this country," he said.
That leaves Mississippi the only state displaying the divisive symbol on an official banner.
Several black legislators - joined by Mike Moore, the state attorney general - said the ruling provided a good opportunity to create a commission to design a flag free of any divisive symbols.