Not since 1970 have the Twins won the divisional title.
The Pistons won a divisional title for the first time.
With two games left the Giants had a 9-5 record and a chance to win their first divisional title in 21 years.
In 1968, the defense led the Vikings to their first divisional title.
He won four divisional titles, the only one from his school to do so.
The team captured divisional titles in 1969 and 1970, but by the early 70's, attendance began to fall off.
Any of these 2-year-olds will have to finish the season with a special flourish to win the divisional title.
The boy's track and field team won a divisional title in 2011.
The 49ers won their second straight divisional title in 1971 with a 9-5 record.
Since division play began, how often has this come true regarding divisional titles?