As well, it closed divisional and regional offices, drastically reduced white collar staff, and consolidated its Canadian traffic control system in Calgary, Alberta.
The court has four divisional offices within the state (three with staff): Portland, Eugene, Medford, and Pendleton.
There is divisional office of LIC at Udupi town.
The divisional and district offices perform the same functions at the divisional or district level with which constant coordination is maintained to monitor activity.
It includes customer service centres, marine operation bases and regional and divisional offices.
The initial stages of the plan call for abandoning the current system of regional, divisional and sectional offices.
Bulonpur:The district and divisional offices, the civil and criminal courts are situated in this particular area.
Northland is headquartered in Seattle, Washington and has a divisional office in Statesboro, Georgia.
Korha has a Telecom Sub divisional office.
Almost every line departments has a divisional office at the district level.