This put him in charge of a $100 million-a-year organization whose various divisions then printed 53 national magazines and produced pattern books.
But those divisions can also produce conflict, alienation and gridlock.
Thus far, the division has not yet produced many hits, considering the franchise.
The same division, on the other hand, has produced the most stunning development on the loss side of the ledger.
The young body is a wonder of growth, the division of cells produces virtually a new person.
This division produces software used in feature films, television commercials and computer games.
Further divisions produce three basic regions of the sporophyte.
Yugoslavia's ethnic divisions have produced a collapse of the central Government and forced it into default on many foreign loans.
The division may produce $1 billion in cash flow, but is about to switch businesses.
When division produced zero as a remainder, nihil, also meaning "nothing", was used.