Soon, the entire division broke and sought out salvation in the outskirts of the village of Zehdenick.
On the night of August, 4th the division has broken from enemy rear and regained the main Soviet defence line.
He predicted that the division would break even during the current quarter and begin to show a profit in the following quarter.
The company has said the division should break even by 2007.
Once his divisions got across and broke through it, nothing would stop them from rolling into Berlin.
The division broke, followed by the army, and the men of the 45th Virginia ran back through town while Averell's cavalry rounded up prisoners.
Two mercenary divisions broke and ran, leaving a gap on the Spartan right.
In April 1942, the division broke out of the pocket and managed to reach friendly lines.
Monte Cassino here - our best Allied divisions have broken on it, some forever.
The division into cold mist and warm ether first broke the spell of confusion.