The divine symbols are numbered as per Hinke's diagram (opposite).
The divine symbol was now simply picturesque.
Some have seen the occurrence of three a divine symbol, others a sign of Mark's narrative ability.
At least one row of divine symbols appears in an upper register.
From ancient times the lotus has been a divine symbol in Asian traditions representing the virtues of sexual purity and non-attachment.
On both sides of the king, are represented divine symbols.
In Chapter 3 pre-colonial chiefs were characterized as 'the mystical and religious heads, the divine symbol of their people's health and welfare'.
Over the centuries, the shankha was adopted as one of the divine symbols of Hinduism.
They were divine symbols of legitimate authority, of his divinity, that when he was on the move, the divine throne moved with him.
The inner sanctum used to have the "linga", the divine symbol of Shiva.