Ash'aris tend to stress divine omnipotence over human free will and they believe that the Qur'an is eternal and uncreated.
By Jupiter, he practically had me willing to accept the divine omnipotence of Allah before he was done!
In comparison, Arminianism resolves the contradiction by rejecting divine omnipotence with respect to human will.
Stretched out on the floor, Mr. Joy became a penitent awed by divine omnipotence.
Such is what the traditional doctrines of divine omnipotence, preservation and providence are really saying.
The philosopher Søren Kierkegaard claimed that divine omnipotence cannot be separated from divine goodness.
'The question of the relationship between human will and divine omnipotence ... is that your question?'
It is not licit to impose confines on divine omnipotence, and if God so willed, unicorns could also exist.
Religious skepticism is not the same as atheism or agnosticism, though these often do involve skeptical attitudes toward religion and philosophical theology (for example, towards divine omnipotence).
I have found a fair Reality ... a living proof of Love's divine omnipotence!