"To the last, he was in a measure to me a divine mystery; for he was so to himself," Sophia wrote after her husband's death.
The thing which ye behold is a divine mystery.
It baffles human imagination, leading many to call it a divine mystery.
Such meetings were sometimes distinct from the Mass, but sometimes they formed a preparation for the celebration of the divine mysteries.
Beauty and grace have become metaphors for a divine mystery.
To us, this wasn't divine mystery, it was murder.
They especially warn against the fate of those who do not recognize the divine mysteries.
And through the night Kelolo sat with his treasures, trying to unravel the divine mystery of which they were the most significant parts.
Khiḍr had thus come to symbolize access to the divine mystery (ghayb) itself.
"Religious man" is a mystical believer in divine mysteries and internal ecstatic religious experience.