Probably the bull dance expressed the interweaving of human and divine destinies; there were elements of collusion and elements of struggle with the deity.
The old Puritan view of America as a New Eden, a New Jersusalem, a land with a divine destiny to fulfill, still had currency.
Together we are evolving, moving ever closer to our ultimate divine destiny.
This year, the Raiders feel like we might have a little divine destiny.
"You've given up on telling them this is some kind of divine destiny, and necessary furnace of affliction, and they should cling on to belief and just endure?"
So why should I not think that this man has a divine destiny?
The augurs read the will of the gods and supervised the marking of boundaries as a reflection of universal order, thus sanctioning Roman expansionism as a matter of divine destiny.
At the Battle of Lewes, the baronial forces had gained confidence to win the day by a sense of divine destiny, reinforced by white crosses on their uniforms.
The god is surcharged with his divine destiny.