They believed that society ought to be ordered, not according to how sinful men wished to live, but in accordance with God's divine commandments.
These Berachot often took the form of a blessing upon the fulfillment of a mitzvah (divine commandment).
Put like that it seems less like a divine commandment and more a TV ad for increased leisure.
It remained the sign of the covenant and as such was observed in fulfilment of divine commandment, and this remains the case today among the religious.
Is it as the expression of a constant relation among facts, or is it as the expression of a divine commandment?
According to the teachings of Judaism, all moral laws are, or are derived from, divine commandments.
According to the Midrash, all divine commandments were given on Mount Sinai, and no prophet could add any new one.
That's one divine commandment which we've never had difficulty in obeying.
Judaism regards the violation of any of the divine commandments to be a sin.
Finally to emphasize that these duties are to be performed with greater importance and due care, the verse states, This is divine ordain and divine commandment.