The reason, illumined by the divine Logos, which is able to search the secret depths of the divine nature, remains as the only source of knowledge.
Justin speaks of the divine Logos as "another God" beside the Father, qualified by the gloss: 'other, I mean, in number, not in will'.
This heresy taught that in Christ the human spirit was replaced by pure, divine Logos.
Furthermore, in some Christian thinking the eternal and divine Logos merged and synthesized with a human nature to become Jesus Christ in the Incarnation.
The figure of Orpheus is prominent throughout the narrative, and Clement contrasts his song, representing pagan superstition, with the divine Logos of Christ.
Paul taught that Jesus was born a mere man, but that he was infused with the divine Logos or word of God.
He is represented as an eagle as his gospel describes the incarnation of the divine Logos, the eagle itself a symbol of that which is from above.
They would also be influenced by his theory of the divine Logos.
He suggested that the title denied Christ's full humanity, arguing instead that Jesus had two natures, the divine Logos and the human Jesus.
Thereafter, from fire, rebirth would commence, and this cycle of alternate destruction and recreation was correlated with a divine Logos.