"We are trying to create coexistence here," he said to journalists in the divided town of Mitrovica, which has been the scene of repeated violence in recent weeks.
This was still a divided town a day later, but not just in terms of race.
He was there when French troops sealed off and searched an area in the Serbian part of the divided town of Mitrovica last week after a grenade attack.
Kosovo Albanians displaced from the divided town of Mitrovica have yet to be granted the right to return.
The fighting in Tskhinvali first resulted in a divided town: An Ossetian-controlled western part and a Georgian-controlled eastern part.
Information related to the divided town can be found in the following articles:
Originally, Hai Pho was a divided town with the Japanese settlement across the "Japanese Bridge" (16th-17th century).
Captain Cantello's main focus these days, however, is not tank maneuvers, but Pones, a divided town with separate Serbian and Albanian mayors.
"Woodstock is a divided town," Mr. Evers said.
For much of the 20th century, the divided town was served by a single school district.