In 1816 the municipality was formed by dividing the large municipality of Leuggern.
Guimarães is part of the drainage basin of Ave river which divides the municipality in half.
The river Llobregat divides the municipality into two halves.
This corridor effectively divides the former municipality in two sections, called Farum East and Farum West, which are only connected by bridges across the motorway.
The Amería River divides the municipality into two regions.
Although there are no defined limits for the neighborhoods of El Hatillo, the government website divides the municipality into urban and rural.
Both Uhlstädt and Kirchhasel are villages inside this valley, which divides the municipality into a northern and a southern part.
The municipality is located around the fjord which is also called the Masfjorden which almost divides the municipality completely into a north side and a south side.
Between 1961-64 the highway was built, that divides the municipality into two parts.
The 2001 census divided the municipality into the main places shown in the following table.