You can divide plants in the spring or the fall.
Self-sown perennials provide adventure and the price is right, but dividing established plants is usually the best way to get more of the same.
The gardening textbooks and pundits say that you should always divide perennial plants in the spring or in the fall.
He was the first to propose dividing plants into classes.
According to Oudemans (1896) it divides plants into the following groups:
I also love Ms. Dillon because she likes to divide plants not because they need it, but out of greed.
Their slower multiplication rate makes them a favorite of gardeners who do not like to divide plants too often.
Increasing stock by seeds is slower than dividing plants; it takes three years to see the fruits of his labor.
Divide plants that are in need of it.
This plant is easy to propagate from seed or by dividing existing plants.